Friday, September 28, 2007

My First Pasta Sauce- Mia Prima Sugo di Pasta!!!

Such a sexy picture! Note the wooden spoon- I am now your Italian mama *thwack!* Why don'ta you write your mamma anymore?

Hallelujah! Oh, not really- this blog is to watch me bumble! There was molto cheating on this too- Italians buy a delicious box of odori first. Wha? Che cosa? Tis a bag o' carrots/celery/parsley/and little purple onions, named of course for their strong odours (no garlic! Italians who aren't stocked up with garlic are shot in the piazza!). It is usually (I'm told) tossed in for free when you buy stuff at the market, if they like you enough. Apparently the market people hate me. I'm sure I have that effect on many (*note- market lady threw in a free orange today! Triumph! Markets are off my archnemesis list!). Moving on, I also used a big jar of Bertolli tomato sauce (yes, it's actually Italian- I just assumed it was a scam), some ill-gotten roommate basil, and this fabulous oregano olive oil (condimento aromatizzato all'origano) I bought at the market using my awesome pointing skills!

Note that the stove is gas, and is sometimes way too efficient, though the rest of the time it goes at a leisurely pace- a very Italian way of doing things. Well done, stove!

A family and servants have horrible ghostly visions, but it was just carbon monoxide poisoning! Apparently, it's a common cause of haunted houses. Booooo!

Soooo- sauce verdict?

FAIL! Only my fabulous hair saves this picture! Also, the gigantic thumb. I'm slightly perplexed; everything ever is yummier in Italy- I bet if you chopped up and ate an Italian person, they would taste divine! This time I will not admit incompetence- my pasta sauce at home is faboo *humble*. I blame the Bertolli sauce. My magic pasta sauce hands could not fix that crap in a jar. Such a happy note to leave you on. Of course, I'm trooping on and eating it anyways...because I'm probably at risk for whatever disease ye sailors of olde had (mind out of the gutter, you!).


Lydia said...

That first pic is a proper food blog pic, it is. Odori sounds awesome! You're lucky you got a free orange. I want you to bring me some awesome oils and vinegars *drool*.

Pesce Ruspante said...

"La mia prima pasta al sugo"


"Il mio primo sugo per pasta" in case you made just the sauce

